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Germany before World War II

As the Nazis consolidate their power in Germany in 1930, Campbell decided, despite his parents decided to leave to remain in the country. Campbell continued to write plays, his only social interaction is a member of the Nazi Party. As a full-Aryan descent, Campbell became the only member of the party's name. He is indifferent to politics, only for his art, and his wife Helga, who are also actors in his drama starring care.

The first part of the book ends after visiting Berlin Zoo Campbell met Frank Wirtanen, an agent of the U.S. War Department. Wirtanen Campbell hopes in the upcoming World War spy for the United States. Campbell rejected the quotation immediately, but Wirtanen quickly added that he hoped Campbell think about it. He told him that Campbell would answer him how to act, what positions he assumed that once the war began to form.
Germany in World War II and after

When World War II began, Campbell began by Joseph Goebbels's propaganda, in his way, eventually became a broadcast intended to cause the United States to Nazi "voice." I do not know that the Nazis, all Campbell's speech characteristics - intentional pauses, coughing - is the coded information is part of the United States through his Office of Strategic Services. Campbell never found, nor was he ever told, the information that he is being sent.

About half of the war, Helga went to the East German army entertain. Campbell was extremely upset when he heard that Helga visited the camp in the Crimea has been overrun, and she thought he was dead. Before the Red Army invasion of Berlin, Campbell visited the father one last time. During the visit, Campbell and Helga's sister, Peel, that years later he switched to resonate with. After that, Campbell was arrested American, Wirtanen work transactions, Campbell was released and given by New York City.
New York City

In New York City, Campbell lived a lonely, anonymous life, only curiosity memory of his wife and his ultimate fate indifferent to continue. His only friend is George Kraft, who is an equally lonely neighbor, by an extraordinary coincidence, also happens to be the Soviet intelligence officers. He fled to Moscow to try to deceive the fact that Campbell propaganda, Campbell has been living in New York City since the end of the war.

White supremacist organization found his presence, his reasons for sensation, invited him to speak to new recruits as "a true American patriot." Leaders of the organization, a dentist named Lionel Jones, shows Campbell's apartment with a surprise: a woman claiming to be British Helga, vibrant, and claiming to be her eternal love. Campbell's will to live, for the first time in the annual rate of return, and keep him find out if she is not Helga, but her sister Peel. They plan to attend the meeting after Jones' former fascists fled to Mexico City.

There, Wirtanen an appearance of collusion its warning Peel plot Campbell and Kraft. Heartbroken, Campbell decided to go trick. He faced Kraft and Peel, who swore her feelings for him are real. The FBI subsequently raided the meeting and take Campbell detention, while Peel by taking cyanide capsules to commit suicide. As before, Wirtanen used his influence to get Campbell set free. Once Campbell returned to his apartment, however, he realized that he had no real reason to continue living, and decided to put himself on trial in Israel.

As the beginning of the end of the book, Campbell sat in Israeli jails awaiting trial. Coincidentally, he met Adolf Eichmann, and how to write a proposal to his autobiography. He was then transferred to a different cell where he further waiting for his trial. In the book's most Houkanbeier insert a letter he had just received from Wirtanen. In the conclusive evidence that he did during World War II, and finally to the U.S. spy, Wirtanen wrote that he would permit Mingkanbeier true loyalty in court. Instead of being released, Campbell felt "sick" of the idea, he would save and grant freedom from death, when he was no longer able to enjoy what life has to offer. In the last few lines of Campbell told us that he would not crimes against humanity and hanged himself, but for "their crimes."
"Moral of the story."

"This is my story, only I know the moral, I do not think this is a great moral, I just happen to know what it is ......"

Vonnegut's "So it into the" cold announce the launch of the first page. "The moral of the story" again, and the whole Mother Night from this point on, and Vonnegut said, after explaining its regular "What we are, we pretend, so we must be careful what we pretend to yes. "

As a small auxiliary this moral, von 内古特后提 for advice, and that "when you're dead, you're dead." Then I paused and said, "But another moral occurs to me now: sex when you can this be good for you. "